Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In Touch With Reality

We did the math and figured out that we spent about 20 hours in the car travelling to various places last week.  That is a lot of mileage.  Our poor car is feeling the effects!   It is very good to be back home.

Thanks for your prayers regarding the retreat last weekend.  We stayed at Galilean Bible Camp in Blind River, and Jake spoke four messages to our friend's youth group.  It was a riot, since neither of us have spent so much time with highschoolers in a long time.  I thought Jake's talks were great-they definitely challenged me!

We're leaving for Chicago in only 6 short days.  In the back of my mind there is a panic room happening, but I've mostly been focusing on what we have to do to make this trip happen.  

There is the packing of luggage, cleaning out our fridge, tidying our house, saying our farewells...

You get the idea.  

I just want to say that God has been completely wowing us time and again.  Here we are, at the cusp of this adventure, and we only need $1300 in order to meet our goal! Isn't that just amazing?!

Here are some FAQ regarding our support:

1. Can I still give support once you're on the field?

Yes, since we still need the remaining amount, we are able to receive that even after we've left Canada.

2. What is the best option for donating?

The best (and fastest) way to support this trip at this point is to call TEAM of Canada and donate with credit card.  The number is 1-800-295-4160.

3. Will I receive a receipt for income tax purposes?

Yes, as long as you have given TEAM of Canada your address either by cheque or over the phone you will receive a receipt for income tax purposes. 

We have also been asked many questions regarding our itinerary.  Here are some dates to make things clearer: (I have also added a quick reference page on the blog itself for easy access)

Sep. 24: Take the train from Port Huron, MI at 6AM and arrive in Chicago at 12PM
Sep. 25-28: Attend training/orientation with TEAM Serve in Wheaton, IL
Sep. 29: Fly out from Chicago at 1:30AM
Sep. 30: Arrive in Anapolis at 5PM

Dec. 27: Leave Anapolis
Dec. 28: Arrive in Chicago at 5:30AM
Dec. 29: Take the train back to Port Huron at 5PM

We're getting very excited, and we can't thank all of you enough for making this possibility a reality.  Praise God for His goodness. 

Ashleigh and Jake


  1. On an only remotely related note: I have been to Blind River! BIL's parents have a cottage there.

    God's blessings and safety on your journey!

  2. Hi Ash and Jake
    So glad that the weekend went well for you at the retreat and that Jake's messages were well received.
    How excited you must be to see how the support has come in these past week or so!
    We will continue to pray that your needs will be fulfilled.
    God is good! To Him be the glory!
    The itinerary sounds very busy and we will be praying for you both as you work on all the last minute details that will be involved to get there.
    We will miss you very much but know that God will be with you and He will guide you as you minister together in Brazil.
    We will also pray for safety as you travel
    Much love from NAN and POPS

