Saturday, June 30, 2012

June Update

 Hi Everyone!

It's hard to believe we're already half-way through 2012. It seems like the year is going by so fast! Jake and I have been having a busy month, mostly with work, but here are some highlights:

We got to spend Father's Day week-end in Orillia with my family, and went to my aunt and uncle's place for an extended family get-together. We also had dinner with Jake's family the next day, so it was a truly celebratory week-end.

My brother came for a week-end at the end of May, and it was nice to spend some time with him; we were happy to show him some of our favourite spots in Cambridge.

  Jake's company has planned a couple of fun activities for the summer, and last week-end was Canoeing on the Grand. It was only an 1 ½ trip, and included a BBQ at the end. We enjoyed the beautiful weather, the serene and picturesque view from the river, and spending time with some friends.
 In our spare time we've been visiting with friends, going for walks by the river, and eating delicious foods. We've discovered Monday nights at the Symposium Cafe, where they have a burger special: they're only $3.75 each! It makes for a cheap but delicious date night.
I was able to get up to Orillia again this week to celebrate the graduations of both my youngest brother and youngest sister.  It was wonderful to catch up with family and friends alike.

I finished my job at Golden Triangle Taxi last Saturday, and my last shift consisted of four hours of the bar rush. It was uneventful, but I am looking forward to my upcoming teaching position in a couple of weeks. Jake's Timothy group, which is mentorship training for young men, met for the last time on Sunday. He has enjoyed being a part of that, and will now have to wait until September to meet with them again.

We have many things to be thankful to the Lord for:
-Some funds for our missions trip to Brasil have started to come in!
-We know more information regarding the trip. We will be teaching ESL to the Brazilians at the training centre, as well as interacting with them in informal situations.
-Since finishing my job at Golden Triangle, Jake and I now have the same schedule (Read: I'm not working in the afternoons anymore when Jake is at home) We have more time to pray for our trip, and focus on details and planning.
-God has been growing us and teaching us continually, especially in patience and waiting upon Him

We also ask for continued prayer for:
-my upcoming teaching job: I will be teaching ESL to Korean students from July 9-Aug. 17. Aside from lesson planning, please be in prayer with me for any students involved who do not know Christ.
-provision of more funds
-continually improving communication between ourselves and our ministry contacts
-prep for our trip (VISAS, flight, etc)
-trip to BC: I will be going from July 2-8 for a very dear friend's wedding. Please pray for travel safety as well as blessing upon my friend and her fiance.
-unity between Jake and I
-upcoming youth retreat in September: Jake will be the main speaker for a friend's youth group retreat. Please pray as he prepares for this.

Ashleigh and Jake

May Update

Dear Family and Friends,
As many people have been spending time in the tropical south, we have been preparing for a trip of our own. On October 1st 2012 we will be boarding a plane for a 3 month term of service in the vibrant country of Brazil.

Over the years, God has been growing in both of us a passion for global missions. We are very excited to follow the next chapter in God's leading by stepping out in faith and getting our first taste of overseas ministry together as a couple.

We have been accepted by TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission), a Bible-based missions organization committed to planting and equipping churches around the world. For our trip they have connected us with a seminary in Anapolis, Goias, which specializes in training Brazilian nationals who are committed to serving God in missions. Although many details are still subject to change, we have been asked by our representatives to be prepared to serve by teaching English, mentoring, and discipleship, as well as other practical and administrative responsibilities as needed. In addition, we will be taking some very intentional time to learn from more experienced missionaries, as well as the national mission students and church leaders, about how we may best prepare for long-term ministry. We're aware that there will be challenges and adjustments along the way, but our desire is to be obedient to Christ and do the work He's calling us to do in faith and expectation that His kingdom will be advanced through us.

As friends and family, we need a couple of things from you.

First, we need prayer, and lots of it. Right from the start we have been facing challenges, even with the application process itself, but we know that God has had a purpose and a plan behind everything and that in spite of what we may perceive as delays and setbacks, his timing is always best. Prayer is the only thing that will allow us to serve faithfully and effectively for the advance of his kingdom and the spread of the gospel. For this reason, your prayer is essential for us, not only leading up to the trip, but especially during our three months away. Please consider how you can come alongside us in this way.

Second, we will also need financial support. The total cost of the trip is $9200, which includes everything from flights to our room and board. We need to have this amount by September 15, 2012 in order to leave by October 1st. As believers, we are confident that God provides for our every need, and we pray that the right people will be encouraged to partner with us as we seek to be follow God's leading.

We are looking forward to what God holds in store, and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Jake and Ashleigh
